
Electrica, BRK Financial Group and Roca Industry are the three companies selected for the Investor Relations and Liquidity Support Programme

Autor: Financial Market
3 min

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), and VERTIK have selected three companies to participate in the „Investor Relations and Liquidity Support Program” launched in Romania earlier this year.

Within the program aimed at improving investor relations and increasing the liquidity of listed companies’ shares, Societatea Energetica Electrica (BVB symbol: EL), BRK Financial Group (BVB symbol: BRK), and Roca Industry Holding (BVB symbol: ROC1) have been selected.

The three companies will benefit from consultancy services provided by specialist consultants from VERTIK to develop an investor relations strategy aimed at improving their visibility and liquidity in the capital market.

Attila Toth, Director, Capital & Financial Markets Development Team, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: „We congratulate the selected companies, who will receive concrete support tailored to their needs in shaping an Investor Relations strategy. We believe this will have a positive impact on the attractiveness of the companies on Romania’s capital market.

The success of listed companies depends on their ability to build an active market for their shares which attracts and maintains the attention of investors.

Adrian Tanase, CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange: „We are pleased with the high interest from the 12 issuers that applied within the Program, in improving investor relations, which we consider key to the development of our capital market.

BVB has attracted numerous individual investors in recent years, while the assets managed by institutional investors are growing.

As a result, the increased supply of capital is in search of successful companies and professional management teams that can deliver and communicate results.

Alexandru Chirita, CEO of Electrica: „Electrica, one of the leaders in the energy sector and the only electricity distribution operator, supplier and producer listed in Romania is currently working on its new medium and long-term corporate strategy, which will be, on top of its core-business, focused on renewables and sustainability.

We want investor relations to be an integral part of it, playing a key role in increasing the market value of the company, by enhancing liquidity and visibility in the capital market.

We are happy to have support in this endeavour from our partner ever since the admission to trading in 2014, EBRD.

Monica Ivan, CEO of BRK Financial Group: „In our dual capacity as a listed company and an active intermediary on the segment of financial operations of potential issuers, with outstanding results in recent years, we aim to identify new synergies by improving our own investor relations, and by the transfer of the know-how acquired in this process to the entrepreneurial companies we assist in their listing and post-listing endeavours.

Ioan-Adrian Bindea, Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors ROCA Industry: „We are targeting the transfer to the Regulated Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange less than 2 years after listing, a period in which we have had an accelerated evolution of the business, both through organic growth and the acquisition of 6 companies.

Throughout this time we have been constantly preocupated with attracting new investors, ensuring that we maintain transparent communication.

ROCA Industry is the first publicly listed building materials holding company in Romania that develops and scales Romanian entrepreneurial businesses into regional champions.

In all our endeavours we pay special attention to sustainability policies, and to this end we are developing a comprehensive long-term strategy, with a focus on good corporate governance, in order to generate performance in the Romanian industry and on the capital market.

The „Investor Relations and Liquidity Support Program” is managed by Daniela Șerban, Managing Partner at VERTIK, along with a team of consultants with a combined experience of 60 years in IR and PR.

The program aims to improve the visibility in the capital market for the selected listed companies. The program is financially supported to the extent of 80% by KTACF – the Technical Cooperation Program for Capital Market Development, financed by the Government of Korea.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) launched the program in Romania in January 2023, expected to conclude at the beginning of next year.

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